'Tis the season for galas, outdoor weddings, graduations, and grand openings. Yep, it's officially the first day of Spring. We've been blessed with some pretty amazing weather around Dallas, so fingers crossed it doesn't immediately turn into Texas heat. The birth of new blooms always inspires us to get out of the house more. (P.S. Have you been to the Arboretum lately to see the Dallas Blooms? It's a MUST.) As a toast to spring, here's a playlist to get you through the office weeks, planning days, and (hopefully) the open roads.
<iframe allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" height="380" src="https://embed.spotify.com/?uri=spotify:user:posh_preference:playlist:7A7PKuVELe666428sIqu3e" width="300"></iframe>
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